Tuesday 30 August 2011

Piña colada cupcakes

Yay more alcoholic cupcakes - just what everyone wants :p So these were the perfect cupcakes for Tim and Hannah's 'tropical/Hawaiian' themed party. Complete with cocktail umbrellas no less.

So I put too much white rum into the cake and as a result the mixture wasn't perfect in fact it dried out. The frosting helped out as it was cream cheese with dessicated coconut and finely chopped up crystallised pineapple (in the penny sale at Holland and Barrett's!) I tried to put too much into the cake batter as it had white rum, coconut milk as well as fresh pineapple. If I were to do these again I would do just coconut cupcakes with a pineapple frosting (put fresh and crystallised pineapple in the cream cheese icing). So if these ever get requested again that's what I'll do. ANYWAY they went down well at the party and that's all that matters. Who's going to over analyse cupcakes after a few glasses of tropical punch??

Scary picture of me looking proud/slightly special and a pic of the birthday boy and girl.

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